Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Officially over 6 months post op woooooooooo

Hey all
So I suck at updating as usual
I just wanted to share whats going on with my jaws at this point post op.

I'm still numb in the same spots, my chin and lip.
Sometimes it bothers me because it feels like rubber, but most of the time I'm okay with it.
I'm thinking of trying acupuncture to bring back the feeling

My TMJ has been pretty good unless I'm stressed, then it just hurts.
I still have outbreaks out really bad pain but it's not as frequent as before.

I'm pretty sure my swelling is down a great deal.
I think I still have residual around my nose, I feel puffy in that area where most of the plates are.

Chewing is 100 times better, my teeth make contact!!

I go in on the 2nd of May for what might be my last appointment.
I'm hoping the braces come off really soon.
I'm just tired of food in my teeth all the time.
I can't wait to go out and eat without having to hide my mouth until I can check these damn things.

Otherwise I'm generally happy with the outcome. It's nice having a functioning jaw and not having to worry about surgery anymore. Now I'm back to being preoccupied with my life and feeling like school will never be over.
I graduate next year but still I'm just so tired of it.
I miss working :(

On the bright side recovery is going very well. I'll try to take some real pictures and do a good update one of these days.

Keep your fingers crossed that these braces come off soon. I'm sick of looking like i'm 15.

la dee da
