Sunday, August 11, 2013

Moving past Jaw Surgery

Dear jaw surgery friends,

I hardly post anymore although I was sure I always would.
It's weird now when I look back and remember what it was like to be pre op and then post op. It's weird when I think about how different everything was, how different I was.

They say you're never handed more than you can handle in your life and I have to admit that I never understood that or believed it until recently. This was the year or realization that I thought I couldn't survive and would never make it through. Somehow I survived.

I won't bore you with the details but to all those of you reading my blog with that anxiety of the unknown, I promise you life gets better after jaw surgery. The journey isn't a simple one, and it's not easy, but you'll get through it and when you do you'll be happy you stuck to it.

It'll be a year since my jaw surgery is October and I hardly think about it except for the rare occasion when I get some TMJ pain from talking too much or chewing something too hard. It's not constant like it used to be. Every day is easier not having to think about jaw surgery. I like my face for the first time in my life probably because it's the face I feel like I was suppose to have, or the face I had before my jaws decided to shift around.

I am forever grateful that I had support when I needed it while going through this process. That is why I want to stress that if you're going through this, don't be afraid to talk to someone about it, someone who will understand where you're coming from.
