Sunday, June 16, 2013

No more BRACES!!!!!

Hey everyone. I'm late and I suck and I apologize but here you go....


  1. Congrats Terra!! That must feel good :)

  2. they look PERFECT! ive been following you since you started your journey and i am so happy for you :) makes me excited for my surgery etc so i can see the final results. your blog has been so helpful and has made me feel better about my teeth when ive been having a bad day so THANK YOU! and congratulations!

    1. Thank you so much Beth!! You are already so gorgeous and I am so excited for your surgery. It's amazing watching each other progress through this. I'll be checking for all your updates :)

  3. Wow LOOK. AT. YOU! You look great! Congratulations!! I'm going to miss checking into this blog haha.

    1. Thank you :) I'm so happy they're finally off. I'm going to miss blogging about jaw surgery :(

    2. I'm hoping to have mine off by the end of the summer. Your blog was great though it should help a lot of people out in the future. Take care!

  4. WOWOWOW!!! Your teeth are beautiful!!! Congrats!!!

  5. Wow! Looks awesome ? So happy for you!
    Did you get them whitened ?

  6. WOW!!! the smile says it all... congrats!

  7. MASSIVE WOW!!! Congrats, So excited for you! Your teeth look amazing, beautiful and sooo white. You must be thrilled! Enjoy that perfect smile. I have enjoyed following your journey :)

  8. Wow you look so great. I had upper jaw surgery 3weeks ago to correct an openbite. I'm so frustuated with my swelling and the way my teeth look now. I think I look like I have buck teeth. Not happy anyways. I wish I had read your blog sooner. It so nice to know that this is only temporary and I will survive. I am also noticing that I'm having a lot of tmj pain once again. I thought the surgery would help but not yet anyway. Which dr. Had you on sleeping pills or were they muscle relaxors? I am so tired of pain and headaches I'll try anything. Thanks for letting me vent. And you really do look amazing!!!

  9. I just can't get over how awesome your smile is! Absolutely gorgeous! : ) Every time I feel anxious about my upcoming surgery I just look at your blog. lol Thank you again for documenting everything! : )

  10. Holy frig your teeth are beautiful! Congratulations. :)
