Thursday, June 30, 2011

Question about teeth moving before jaw surgery

Hey everyone! I'm a little confused because I have noticed that after my last last visit to the ortho, my bite opened more, and now after this visit I just had, my bite looks more closed. The images from the front make it hard to tell where my jaws are actually sitting, just how open my bite is.



  1. Hi Terra! I found your blog through looking at someone else's blog. I don't know if this answers your question, but before I had surgery my bite actually got worse. But my ortho and surgeon told me that would happen.

  2. its suppose to do that my ortho warned me to not get braces unless i am sure about getting surgery dont worry after surgery everything will look good any questions about surgery go to my blog ive gone through all this mess before surgery

  3. Hey guys i don't think i worded my post correctly, my bad. What i mean is that my bite started to get worse but after my last adjustment it has closed a lot, back to what it started at. I just found that really odd. If you look at the pictures in order it looks like my bite closed to where i started a few months ago instead of continuing to decompensate.

  4. Chances are your teeth will be better regardless. It's really hard to tell from that picture but your top teeth look much straighter.
